Governments make laws regarding human rights. Should there be slaves? At one time there were slaves. Fortunately, the government changed over time and made it illegal. They were challenged, they changed.
Human rights. Churches make rules regarding human rights. Should they be allowed to? Who can challenge them? They claim god-given rights.
At one time, according to the Bible, they sacrifice children in fire to Molech. That is what their 'god' required of them.
Mormons use to claim the 'god-given right' to have many wives. They were challenged by government, human rights laws were changed. Other religions allow men to marry very young girls.
Should humans have the right to change religions? Can religions be challenged without penalty?
When JWs testify against illegal action by WT, they get disfellowshipped, lose their business, their families. If this happened in a business setting (a corporation fired an employee for testifying against their illegal actions) the employee could sue for illegal dismissing.
Teachers, nurses, doctors and more must report even a SUSPICION of child abuse. Churches claim "clergy penitent privilege" ... even when an abuse victim comes to them for help.
Why do religions have rights that businesses don't? Rights that enable destructive, harmful behavior.